October 22, 2024

“We are in receipt of credible intelligence detailing the clandestine moves of some disgruntled politicians who are inclined to frustrate the gains of the recently unveiled Peace In South East Project (PISE-P).

“There is no gainsaying the fact that PISE-P, an advocate of non kinetic approach towards resolving the security challenges and other sociological issues in the southeastern geopolitical hemisphere is a success and is on course with its objectives.

“Against this backdrop, some elements unarguably driven by envy and vile are invidiously concocting stories aimed at casting aspersions on the office and the person of the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Okezie Kalu who is the convener of PISE-P, blackmailing, maligning and assassinating his character before the right thinking members of the public.

“Those stories sound very infantile to any saner mind. They must have emanated from the figment of the imagination of the tellers. And out of ill-will too.

“They are unreasonable and unfounded. And it can only come from some ignoble minds who are working against the gains of the PISE-P. May be, they are happy seeing the blood of their kith and kin flowing on the streets of South East.

“That will never happen again. PISE-P is unrelenting on its advocacy to restore peace in the region without any loss of life.

“But it must be said that we know those shooting this arrow of discord. We know their antics. A strong warning is hereby issued to them to desist from trading the peace of south east and the freedom of Nnamdi Kanu.

“Let it be reiterated that the work of PISE-P cannot be complete without an advocacy on the release of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

Prominent Nigerian actors and entertainers of South East extraction have also lent their voice to the peace initiative championed by PISE-P.

“Recall that prior to now, Kalu as a lawmaker has been vocal about the release of Nnamdi Kanu. He been in the media space, advocating for Kanu’s release without shying away from it. The first motion he supported on resumption as the deputy speaker was for the presidential pardon of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu.

“Those threatened by his audacity to fight for what is right are intimidated and trying to spring up the old habits they are known for.

” But we assure them that this effort to discredit the work towards the peace of the south east, engineered by some elements in the leadership of the zone who felt left out in the peace solution agenda must fail.

“The good people of the south east must not allow them to blackmail and stimulate disaffection within the region.

“Their desperation should be ignored as they battle with themselves while we spread the message of peace.

“PEACE IN SOUTH EAST HAS COME TO STAY. We say no to the spilling of the blood of our brothers on the streets. We say yes to non kinetic approach to resolving of issues. We say no more guns in the south east, those against us are saying yes to guns and yes to more blood, but for how long? The time to stop is now so that we can revive our economy.

“Merchants of threats and fear market violence and lies but we offer peace that will meet all our expectations. We can’t fight but we can make use of the table to achieve what guns have failed to achieve. Our approach is cheaper. It worked in other parts of the country and still working. We will make it work and the government is listening more than ever before.

“Yes, it is achievable and peace will win over their blackmails and lies. Expect their fabricated write-ups and bunch of lies against the mandate of PISE- P. While the governors and the traditional rulers are fighting to reduce violence, they are seeking relevance by using IPOB. IPOB is seeking peace but they want to push them to be killed like flies.

“We are aware that these fabrications are not from IPOB but disgruntled enemies of our peace who position themselves as leaders, sponsoring fear in Igbo land but this time, they will face the law.

“This advocacy is not complete untill our brother is out. It is not complete until we get our brothers integrated into the scheme of things for their progress. It will not be complete until we commence the post civil war reconstruction, rebuilding and the reconciliation we have always wanted.

“Don’t be worried when you see their fictitious publications. We know them and expected this when we took this noble step to rekindle the flames of love and peace in the south east. They can only try but they can’t stop us.

“PEACE IS WHAT ALL OF US WANT IN THE SOUTH EAST. No more blood of our brothers on the streets and let it be repeated that talks are ongoing to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu conditionally or unconditionally. We are pleading our case through the right channels and by the grace of Chukwu Okeke Abiama, we will find favour.”

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